Wish Farms customers….WE HAVE GRANTED YOUR WISH!
Ta daaaa!*
This season we are running a special promotion for our valued customers!

Anytime you purchase a package of our delicious Wish Farms Strawberries you will notice a bright yellow sticker on the top right hand corner. On this sticker is a 16-digit code that will track your package not only to the farm it was picked on…but the actual person that picked the strawberry in your very hand!
Use that 16-digit code to complete a SUPER QUICK & EASY survey on our site. WWW.HOWSMYPICKING.COM
Completing the survey will enter your name in our contest to win a $100 gift card to the grocery retailer of your choice. Winners are announced once a quarter. Enter multiple surveys and increase your chances of winning!
What are you doing still reading this?!
We want to know what you think about our berries!