Organic Produce: Not Just a Trend - Wish Farms

Organic Produce: Not Just a Trend


In the past, the word organic was a term used by the “trendy.”  Many people perceived the organic industry as just a fad; however, lately the organic trend has blossomed into a way of life.

The increase in demand for organic produce has created a boom in the grocery industry,thus encouraging retailers to not only obtain a sufficient amount of organic produce to meet demand, but to also offer a more competitive price point.

What does this mean you ask?

It means that not only are your favorite grocery stores carrying more and more organic produce, but the organic produce is becoming more affordable!

For example, this past Florida Strawberry season, there were times we saw organic strawberries selling for $2.99 as well as BOGO deals!

Over the past 3 years, we have seen a steady increase in consumer feedback regarding organic berries with this year being the most significant.  Consumers reached out to us through every medium asking how organic berries are grown, where they could purchase our product and if we offered an organic u-pick.

Wish Farms is adapting to this new organic go-to grocery way of life and is providing YEAR ROUND organic strawberries & blueberries.  We have been growing organic Florida strawberries for the past 6 years.  2014 is the first time we are growing organic California strawberries in both Salinas and Santa Maria.  Organic Florida blueberries are available late March through late May.  Organic Chilean blueberries are available November through March.  Look out for our label and if you don’t see it remember to request the Wish Farms Misty the Garden Pixie brand to your Produce Manager.  We appreciate your support!

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